I must admit I am not the best when it comes to keeping up with updating this website. No excuses, I just potter on with life and don't really think about it. Saying that I have been busy doing bits and have had quite a good summer.Now Christmas is lurking around the corner and I've just started my Christmas commissions. This is by way of a prompt if you are thinking about asking me as I can just about fit another couple in if you get a wiggle on and get in touch! They do make very special and unique presents and will earn you many Brownie points from your loved one. Or just get it for yourself! This is my sales pitch by the way. I have done a few paintings that are not shown on my website or Facebook page as the person they are for has not yet recieved them - and I would hate to spoil the surprise. The problem is even if the recipient doesn't use Social Media there is always the dimwit friend who does and will cheerfully say they saw their painting etc and even show them. Hmm. So there will be some more to follow . . .Anyway that's enough of me rabbiting on - lots of love Michelle