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Photography Service

If you are in Kent and would like me to do a photo shoot of your subject(s) for you this can be arranged.

I charge £30 to £50 for this service depending on distance and payment at time is required. Allowing me to take the reference photos has the advantage of letting me meet and study the subject(s) which gives a better understanding of personality and true colouration and lets me get photos which will be suitable to create a painting from. I prefer to photograph my subjects outdoors in natural light so good weather is essential. Flexibility, therefore, may be necessary to achieve the best results.

If you live outside Kent but would like me to come and see you please contact me and I will try to accommodate you, subject to time and travel expenses.

Please note my photos are all copyright and you are paying me for my service not the photos themselves.

I am usually happy to let you have copies of a selection of the images taken at no extra charge provided you agree to keep them for your personal use only and not to sell them for profit.

If you would just like to buy my photos then my price list is as follows: -

Disc (minimum 30 photos) = £30

A4 photo print = £6   (framed in photo frame £20)

A5 photo print = £3

A6 photo print = £1